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i'm autistic. now what? 🌈

created on 21/07/2024

oh boy. it's been a little while, eh? a lot of stuff has indeed happened in between these blog posts. i'll be brief: i started playing splatoon 1 and a few months later bought splatoon 2 and 3, i got detroit: become human and am currently trying to get a few different endings and i'm REALLLY motivated to work on the site. i am autistic. i got professionally diagnosed along with my dad. but... it seemed too easy? i hear the stories of americans saying they had to re-do tests multiple times because of prejudice (esp. against people that were afab). i just went to the neuropsychologist for a couple days, did some kinda weird tests and got the results this thursday (18/07). i'm not sure. was i supposed to feel accomplished? i didn't fight for this. i really didn't...

i don't know what to do with this diagnosis. the neuropsychologist said that my autism basically makes me look tidy and organized to other people. i'm the perfect masker i guess? this is all really confusing to me. i don't know what i'm supposed to do... am i supposed to feel different? act different? i'm gonna do my research on all that stuff to better manage myself but overall, i don't think i have the courage to tell anyone (other than maybee my friends. not sure if i should tell them that too). i don't want to be treated differently. i'm still the same old me, i just now know why i'm different. i'm scared, i'm happy, i'm not sure on how things will go...

post-trip updates! 🌷

created on 16/02/2024

hiya there!!! i'm finally back from my bday trip!!! i had lots of fun. i went to nyc for a few days and went to lots of museum and the aquarium :333 i loved the city, even though it was kinda dirty and really cold... oh well... between my last update and now, i've gotten back into undertale and bought a wiiu!!! yay!!! okay so, as for the undertale thing. i got back and i've been making a LOT of art... i even opened a tumblr account that has posts daily :D it's really fun to keep up with the account!! as of now, i've just homebrewed my wiiu and its vwii and i'm honestly having a blast! i missed all these wii games... i used to play them a lot as a kid :p

tbh, i was really nervous about the new year of school, since this year, i switch turns because my school can't accomodate everyone in the same turn... (in brazil, you can have classes in the morning or in the afternoon). today was my first day of class and... it wasn't as bad as i thought! it's really fun because i have the whole morning to myself and i can sleep whenever i want :] ah well, i think that's all!


created on 01/21/2024

YIPPEE!!! WEBSITE REVAMP! i am genuinely so happy that i finally finished this!! a lot of stuff happened between my last blogpost and now... i am now a just dance super fan, i got (a bit) into tarot, i got into crochet(!!!), i bought some cozy games for myself... i think i'm starting to take care of myself more and that's honestly the best thing ever :3 sure, the rough and unpleaseant moments do happen but it's okay. once we learn how to accept our unpleaseant feelings and recognize them, life becomes a tiny bit easier, you know? from the 100 problems we all have, it's a relief to have one less.

i love the feeling when we go and do something we never thought we would. i never thought i'd have made this much progress, ever! i'd never imagine i'd be able to do the things i do now. i somehow got better at my hobbies (art, music, coding, gaming,) AND got better at organizing myself. i couldn't ask for anything else!!! i have also somehow managed to accept my appearance. it's so... calming? i still do pay a bit of attention to it to make sure everything is ok but for the most part, i'm really happy. i never had this feeling before learning how to "not care". you feel like the prettiest person in the world and it's not in a bad attitude kinda way, it's in a healed person kinda way. i wish this feeling could affect everyone. "not caring" is the best feeling i've EVER had. i hope you feel it too someday (≡^∇^≡)

a small life update 🎀

created on 06/08/2023

hi. sorry for not really updating this site for a while... my life got a bit busy! today, i'll talk about some really important stuff that happened in my life recently! sometime between april and this month, i noticed i wasn't really happy living the way i did. i figured i'd do something to improve! i started playing the flute, writing in my journal, writing down things i have to do in the day (so that i won't forget), started actually wearing clothes i like, decorating my room nicely, tidying up stuff... it feels so much nicer!

i even bought myself a game to reward myself! these last months were a bit tough for me, but i'm hoping everthing will continue to be stable and good. i wonder if anyone even reads these? it's be cool to know if someone did :3 anyways, thanks for reading this silly ramble!

site trinkets (?) + news 🌺

created on 03/24/2023

after going inspo shopping in neocities, i've found a very peculiar site. it reminds me of geocities. the name's it's ya boy pedro. i really like it, tbh! i explored it for a bit and found the awards section! all the awards in there had been given to someone, except one. the time eater award! hmmm... i've been wanting to add some trinkets to this website, you know?

maybe that's gonna motivate me!! tbh, i'd hide funky gifs w songs, easter eggs and maybe even cryptic stuff. i think it'd be fun to make! just little secrets waiting to be uncovered :3 oh! if you're wondering were i've been, well... i got pretty busy with schoolwork and art things! since i'm trying to open up commissions :p thanks for your attention, kind stranger!

merry christmas!!! 🎅

created on 12/08/2022

firstly, merry christmas!!!!! yayy!!! the holidays are so amazing! i hope everyone enjoys it :)))

i would like to apologize for not being active for about... a month?? it's so much time now that i'm free from school exams, i will be very active here! i've been revamping the website for a few weeks already, and i hope it's good!!! hopefully, this christmas will be a nice one, even though i might not need to worry about it, since the neocities community is already radiating christmas spirit :> that's all i wanted to say. merry christmas, neopals!!!

my experience with gaming consoles 🎮

created on 08/30/2022

alright, everybody knows the nintendo wii, right? that old nintendo console that almost everybody had. well, i got one many many years ago, around 2016. i think it still had internet support at the time. it was the greatest thing! i can't count how many hours i spent playing rayman and mario kart... well, everything kinda started to go wrong when one day, i couldn't watch youtube. i got really sad but moved on. then one day, i couldn't play super mario wii or rayman properly :( i told my dad to sell it, as it was pretty broken. i thought it must have been a result of it being modded, and it probably was.

i miss that wii sometimes. not too long after selling it, my dad got us an xbox360! that was in 2020, i think. me and my aunt would play gta san andreas all the time :)) and i discovered that i couldn't get past a san andreas mission, not because i couldn't, but because the game crashed a lot. i decided to reset my save and try again. i never really got in the spot i was before, as for today. but i did start playing gta IV. i still play it sometimes

last year (2021), around december, i bought a nintendo switch lite. best purchase ever! i absolutely love it! i got it with animal crossing: new horizons (physical copy). i bought some games recently for it, because they were either cheap or on sale. some of those include: pikuniku, little nightmares, overcooked and thief simulator! i love my switch and hopefully in the future i'll be able to buy splatoon 2 and 3, pokémon games and mario games :D that's basically it! hope you enjoyed me ranting about consoles :P